Saturday, July 16, 2011

On top of a random mountain in the Ozarks

Ok well that's a lie. Specifically, it was White Rock Mountain.

Tuesday I was up early with hopes to leave equally early again that morning but thunderstorms got in the way of packing the car.  Well, more specifically, no one wanted to pack the car in the pouring rain... so we waited.  Then, after some delicious muffins and a good cup of coffee we threw everything back in the car, squeezed the Southern Salocks's into one last hug and we set off again.  This time to go find a cabin in the Ozarks. 

The drive was a mixture of rain, sudden surprise that we were crossing the Mississippi (almost didn't have the camera ready in time) and general shock at how hot it was outside.  Oh and then a whole dirt road up a mountain that I had to drive.  Terrified? Yes, I was. Thanks for asking.  But the Subaroo reminded me once again that it is indeed a Subaroo and made it to the top.

I wish I could write more but after spending two absolutely beautiful days in Colorado we are about to hit the road again for Arizona and Antelope Canyon. (Actually currently sitting in the car in the back parking lot of the only coffee place in South Fork, Colorado drinking delicious coffee and mooching off someone's wifi....)  But hopefully these pictures will be enough to tide you over until we have more time!

Jimmy says hi and would like everyone to know that he is now unofficially growing a beard.  It wasn't on purpose but it's totally happening now. Oh and I have about 9 million more freckles. 

Love to all!

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