Sunday, July 17, 2011


Oh man.  I keep on having moments while driving (namely through random states I didn't really think of like... Arkansas) where I remember that I'm going to California.  It all still seems a little crazy. And then I either start smiling like an idiot or hyperventilating.  Or laughing at some of the crazy southern accents we've encountered.

So after our awesome one-night stop over at the cabin we rolled back down the mountain and set off for Oklahoma.  We really started hitting the flat lands at this point.  (Although things got even flatter on the drive through northern Texas) I honestly don't remember much from this part of the drive. More rain. 
driving into a rainstorm

Somewhere in the middle of Arkansas - after the requisite lunch stop at some random Subway - we stopped at a gas station to switch drivers and to make a pit stop.  And it would appear that we picked out quite possibly the sketchiest gas station of them all.  In addition to the guys at the register behind the counter and the very very thick metal bars over all the windows... there was also an Enforcer behind the counter.  And by Enforcer (yes that's with a capital E for emphasis) I mean - large man hired to also stand behind the counter with a gun.  But he was very pleasant to both of since we weren't stealing or shooting up the place.  Anyway, long story short, we rolled out of there pretty quick. 

Once we got across the majority of Oklahoma it became pretty obvious that there is pretty much NOTHING out there.  Apart for the random ranch it was pretty much all just, for lack of a better word, land.  Also, we quickly discovered that it is incredibly hot in that part of the country.  I'm pretty sure it was a solid 103 degrees until about 10pm that night.  Finding the campground proved a little difficult in a maze of epic long North-South roads intersecting occasionally with their complimentary East-West roads.  And when we finally did roll into the campground we were met with even more nothing-ness.  By this I mean... the campground was completely deserted.  Except for one spooky trailer.  That I'm still convinced is haunted.  I'll admit, I was about 95% freaked out by the whole scene.  No ranger, no check-in, no other people, no running water and one really creepy silent camper trailer.  But the pros we came up with were: our pick of the best campsite, a beautiful pond right next to the campsite, no loud neighbors, and free camping.  So with that, we stayed.  See: creepy campground below...

Ok, fine. Add to the list of pros: rope swing

definitely haunted

definitely all alone

Oh and then we found this dead guy

Sleeping that night was also a challenge.  What with all the heat, the assumption the ghost of that trailer would eventually find us in our tent, random interjections from howling coyotes or jackals or some other four-legged animal that howls in large packs late at night, and at least three thunderstorms.

I think we were up by 6:30 the next morning.  Jimmy noticed as we were packing up around 8 that you could already feel the heat setting in.  So we gladly packed everything back in the car and set out for the drive to Colorado.

OH and also - I got stung by this crazy red bug at the campsite.  My thumb turned bright red and swelled up to almost the size of Jimmy's and felt like a useless piece of hand whose main goal in life was to look more like a fat little sausage rather than a finger.  I didn't take a picture of the thumb but Jimmy did get a picture of the bug.  Avoid this guy at all costs:

see him? that nasty little red guy sitting on the pole?
Ok but anyway.  Time for lunch right now.  Next up: Land of the Pine (also known as: How Much I loved Colorado)


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